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塔圖姆:難以想象布朗陷入流言是什么感覺 我當(dāng)時該給他一些支持

6月19日訊 據(jù)ESPN名記拉蒙娜-謝爾本報道,凱爾特人前主帥、現(xiàn)籃球運營總裁史蒂文斯力保雙探花留隊。



原文:It would bother me.Not talking from a pedestal, but I didn't necessarily know what that felt like. But I could just imagine all the hard work that he put in. I saw it every day. Even the strongest-minded person, that would affect you at some point. So I always felt for him in that regard.I think now that maybe I could have been better. I never said too much. I always have stayed out of that.
